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Enpass Discussion Forum

Hardeep Singh

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  1. How does the option "Scan keyfile" work? Edit: I should have searched first. On the desktop app, under Vault Settings, choose "Keyfile QR code" and then scan it from the mobile app.
  2. What they meant was the data from the previous Enpass 6 beta which was released as a seperate app on the Play Store. The stable 6 release will of course sync with this beta.
  3. I've a couple of questions regarding the keyfile: 1. Will the Android app support creating a keyfile? 2. Why not allow the user to use any file with random content as a keyfile? I've been using 2048-bit private key generated using ssh-keygen as my keyfile with Keypass2Android. I recently purchased Enpass after testing the previous beta version. I am really happy with the progress you guys have made from version 5 to 6. I would request you to please include a black theme for amoled displays, just like safeincloud.
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