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Stefan Weber

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  1. By the way, I forgot to mention, there is one other problem and I hope you may help me with it. All entries in additional vaults are accessable from the default vault, without asking for a password (even it is not stored in the default vault). Is there a way to force asking for a password of the additional vault when accessing an additional vault? Best Stef
  2. Hi all, I played a bit with the vaults. There is one thing which is not as good as I expected and as it should be (from my point of view). Lets explain it: I like to use different vault for my wife and for myself. This also implies that I use different passwords for different vaults. This works, but both must knew the master password and with the master password you could lookup the passwords for all additional vaults. -- That's a big problem! This makes the extra password for any additional vault meaningless! Could you fix this? You got the possibility to store the vault passwords within the default vault (if you want), so there is no need for this functionality. Best regard and stay healthy Stef
  3. Hello, got the same problem. By the way, much nicer it would be, to offer a selection to which vault you like to open when starting enpass. Last but not least I could create an backup from the default vault, but I was not able to import that backup in a fresh created vault vault. Did I do somethng wrong, or did I miss somethng? Any help how to do so? My plan was to create two new vaults inside the default vault and access them seperate. The default vault would stay nearly empty in this process. Thx Stef
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