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Found 2 results

  1. Hi, I'm a 1password user and I'm trying Enpass. I love many thing in this product but feels a bit disappointed by the way shortcut works (1 for safari, 1 for system wide... why not only one ???) but the most problematic one is the fact that enpass plugin does not work correctly : I activated the match url option, then when I call the plugin (shorcut or icon on safari tool bar) I have the list of logins that match the exact URL (good) but when I double click on the login, it does not fill the form but instead opens a new tab, open the url saved in the login and start filling it... If I disable the URL exact match option, the plugin works as expected when double-cliking a login : it fills the form in the active tab. How to make it work as expected ? Thanks for any help
  2. Hi, I started today using Enpass as my first password manager (Windows, Firefox extension, Android). My first impression is very good but I found a use case using the firefox extension where I got stuck. If I regulary change my password (or even once) and I'm ask to insert the old password insert the new password repeat the new password How can I insert the old password entirely with Enpass? I do not like copying from the extension to the clipboard (security reason) but this would be possible generally. But my first use case was to change the password on ebay.de but the password fields (and especially the old password field) does not allow pasting from clipboard. Is it really the case that I have to type the old password myself? When using "complicated" and long passwords it is not comfortable and do not encourage to change your passwords often. In Android I saw that within the Enpass keyboard you select a stored account and you can transfer different selected fields directy to the fields (e.g. E-Mail and password) inside an Andoid App (I tried audible). Is there such a possibility also in the Firefox extension? Or how to use Enpass in the best way in this case? Thanks and Regards Bernd
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