KeePass offers in the options the feature "Enter master key on secure desktop".
When this option is checked then the dialog for entering the master password is shown on a secure desktop.
This should prevent keyloggers from stealing the master password.
Details about this feature you get here: https://keepass.info/help/kb/sec_desk.html
If you want to see a screen shot of this feature, just google for "KeePass Secure Desktop" and you will find screen shots like this:
(Source: https://img.raymond.cc/blog/wp-content/uploads/2016/02/secure-desktop.png)
It would make Enpass more secure if you also use the Secure Desktop when entering the maser password or the PIN to unlock Enpass.
This protects Enpass so the master password can not be stolen.
I know that it is mostly the users fault if there is a keylogger on the system but it would be really helpful if Enpass is protected against keyloggers.
Best regards