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Enpass Beta v5.5 for Desktops brings Attachments support!

Guest Vikram Dabas

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Guest Vikram Dabas

Hello, Enpassianss! From the past few months, we've been working hard to bring this magnificent update v5.5 with the most demanding feature to support attachments in Enpass. 

All new Attachment support

Yes, you got it right, from now on, you can attach any file to Enpass, be it the snap of your Credit Card or your Passport or even any other file that you want to keep confidential in your Enpass vault. Check out the Attachment help page here.


Fixed an issue when syncing with Google Drive used to stop due to the creation of multiple database files in Drive. Now sync will continue to function with the latest Enpass database. Expect more improvements to come in future builds.

You can download the latest beta v5.5 for your platform from the links below, and make sure to quit the existing Enpass app (even from System tray or Menu bar) before installing beta.

The beta update will overwrite existing Enpass app.  

Please report the bugs or issues here and keep the dice rolling.

Have fun!

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