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Enpass Discussion Forum

Purge unused icons


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Hi there, is it possible for Enpass to purge the currently unused icons, to optimize the database size?

In such case, could suggest you an option that works like this?

KeePass (and other KeePass clients, such as KeePassXC) offers an option that allows to purge the unused icons, it is much more comfortable so to be removing one by one the icons added manually to Enpass.

Thank you.

Captura de pantalla 2021-08-09 195144.png

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Hello @gabeweb!

Welcome to the Enpass Forum.

I must appreciate your efforts in exploring the app and giving us time to find this valuable suggestion.

I would like to share that in the Enpass apart from the default icons and website icons only custom icons take some space in the database. Also, the suggestion is noted and shared with the concerned team for further consideration. 

Thank you for the suggestion.

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It is even worse. Enpass shows only a fixed amount of custom icons (icons you uploaded manually to the database), so you are not able to delete icons, which don't show up in the list. Currently, I see 74 custom icons (out of over than 100). If you want to select a not visible icon, you have only the chance either to copy an entry, where it is used or to upload it again.
I already reported this error repeatedly to Enpass, but it is still not corrected.

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