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Can Enpass protect against keyboard hook virus attacks?


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For now,all the discussion is about how impossible to crack the encryption files or the Master Password.

I just want to know, if my PC have infected with a virus which can record my keyboard operation .It would be very insecure.

What technical measures does Enpass have to prevent keyboard viruses? Can anyone answer this question for me ?

Thanks a lot in advance!


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Guest Akash Vyas

Hey @wugeng668

We completely understand your concern for the safety of your data.

If you are using Enpass on MacOS, then a keylogger (Trojan, malware) can't record your password. It is because we use Secure Input text field provided by Mac OS for password entry which itself bypasses keyloggers on OS level. However, there is no such equivalent feature available for Windows operating system, hence making everyone vulnerable to keyloggers. A password manager can't isolate itself from operating system. Hence, you should take every step (antivirus, windows defender etc.) to make sure that no unauthenticated software is installed on your system or is detected at the earliest.

We also have unlock on secure desktop feature lined up as a security measure against keyloggers on Windows for the next major release.


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