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Masked Mail support


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Hello @mike4president,

We are aware of the masked email feature which has been launched recently. It is already in our discussion but Enpass currently has no immediate plans to add any extra paid service. However, I have forwarded your request to the concerned team for further consideration. Your patience is highly appreciated here.  

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  • 2 weeks later...

1Password charges a lot for their service and they’re a big company, so they can afford to offer things like this. Enpass is less expensive and doesn’t charge a subscription fee, so you can’t really expect them to offer a bunch of third-party services for no charge. 

Honestly, it is easy to implement on your own with a gmail account or any hosted email service that lets you set up your own email aliases. I’ve been doing this for many years now. 

As noted, if you have iOS or a Mac and iCloud+ that is another easy option. 

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  • 3 weeks later...

And to add to what @Discordantsaid, if you're using Gmail or Google Apps and let's say your email is user@gmail.com, you can create aliases on the fly.

Say you're registering at BBC website, then you can write your email is user+bbc@gmail.com and every email sent to that email will arrive to your user@gmai.com email.

Of course, you will not be able to send an email from user+bbc@gmail.com, but you will receive all sent to it.

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  • 3 months later...

I think it would be hugely useful to have Enpass support for creating random plus aliases. I specify the format to use: e.g. static+random@protonmail.com. Then when signing up for online services, similarly to generating a unique password, I can also get a unique plus alias for that service.

Means I can get somewhat anonymous and unique emails, without needing to put some forwarding/intercepting service in front of my protonmail address

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Honestly, that plus addressing thing doesn’t stop any but the absolute dumbest spammers. They know anything with a + in the address is just a filtering method and usually just email the source account without the + content. It will only stop legitimate mail sources (which one could do by asking to be removed from their mailing list anyway). 

Plus addressing is meant to make it easier for the email address owner to sort messages as they come in. If you want to actually stop spammers, you need an address that can’t be easily linked back to the source (real) email account. This means setting up a forwarder of some kind. iCloud offers exactly this on-the-spot during sign up (and it even lets you keep notes about each address you set up to remind you in the future what it is used for). I have my own domains, and I set up the forwarders on-the-spot. This works well, but isn’t as convenient. 

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As the opener of this post I did solve my problem by leaving Enpass. I am now using the iCloud keychane which is (yes) missing quite a few features but is very convenient to use and very well implemented in the Apple ecosystem. It might not be the right solution for everyone but it is for me. I also am now using the mask mail feature from iCloud for every service. It took my quite some time to change this but now have a bit peace of mind. I absolutely agree to what Discordant wrote. Adding aliases doesn't help to protect your privacy if you look into the advanced headers of a mail.

Convenience always wins so I believe it is not the question if such a feature should be implemented into Enpass but when. Maybe I am going to return to Enpass later again. 

1Password is not an option for me since they chose Electron to develop their new App for macOS. 

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