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Cannot Use Control+K To Delete Text And Secure Input Doesn't Work In Enpass

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Just start using Enpass from 1Password and love it, but having some issue and want to confirm:

1. It seems that Control+K is not working in Enpass, according to the doc here https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT201236, it should work as following 

Control-K: Delete the text between the insertion point and the end of the line or paragraph. Fn–Up Arrow: Page Up: Scroll up one page.2021年1月11日

2. Enpass doesn't trigger Secure Input like 1Password does. For example, when enter sensitive info, 1Password blocks 3rd party software such as TextExpander and Paste to read what you input, but seems Enpass doesn't prevent other Apps to read the info. You can find more info here https://stackoverflow.com/questions/53161553/how-can-i-programmatically-disable-secure-input

I hope the team is aware of these issues and have some plans to fix. 

Thanks in advance



  • 3 weeks later...

Hello @lifey,

Thank you for reporting the presence of these issues. Our team was able to reproduce them and work on fixing them. In the meantime, we can suggest that Applications like Paste App, allows omitting certain apps data from being read (Paste App → Preferences). You can add Enpass there for omitted apps as a workaround.



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