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Password doesn't autofill in Authelia

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Hi @Luuk

For quick troubleshooting purposes, please try the below steps and let me know if they help -

  1. Take a note of your credentials of this website, then remove the item that you have saved in your Enpass app for this web page.
  2. Then, on the login page of this same website, enter your credentials. Upon entering your details, you will see the option 'Add to Enpass' (please refer to the attached image). Click it, and the information will be saved to Enpass.
  3. Try autofilling again on the same web page, and share your findings with me.

If the issue persists, kindly share the below details with me and I'll have this further investigated for you -

  1. The version of the Enpass app, OS, Enpass Extension and browser you are using.
  2. Are you facing this issue on multiple browsers?
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Thank you for your quick response. Unfortunately the issue remains the same. I think the field isn't detected properly or there is some JavaScript that wipes it clean.

50 minutes ago, Abhishek Dewan said:

If the issue persists, kindly share the below details with me and I'll have this further investigated for you -

  1. The version of the Enpass app, OS, Enpass Extension and browser you are using.
  2. Are you facing this issue on multiple browsers?
  1. Enpass version is: 6.8.3 (1150) from the Mac App Store, OS: MacOS 12.3, Browser extension: 6.8.0, Tested on both Firefox 105.0.1 (64-bit) and Chrome 106.0.5249.91 (Official Build) (x86_64)
  2. Yes. See question 1

I can imagine this information is not very useful and will also try to contact someone from Authelia. It would help to understand what is required for Enpass to recognize it as a password field though. The field looks like this:

<input aria-invalid="false" autocomplete="current-password" id="password-textfield" required="" type="password" class="MuiInputBase-input MuiOutlinedInput-input authelia-1x5jdmq" value="">


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Hi @Luuk

We are looking into the concern reported by you. As per our observation, Authelia based login is used by multiple webpages. Different webpages have different Enpass behavior, so the reported issue issue can be specific to a particular webpage. It will help us best if you could please share the URL of your webpage or save the webpage and share the same with us.

To save the webpage, please refer to the below steps -

  1. On your browser, open the webpage on which the issue is occurring.
  2. Use the command “Ctrl + S“ to save the webpage to your Desktop OR you can right-click on the webpage → Save Page As → Save.
  3. An HTML file and a folder of that webpage will be saved on your PC. Select both documents and compress them into a ZIP file.
  4. Then share that ZIP file with us, and we will get this issue further investigated.
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Hi @Luuk

I would like to inform you that the shared webpage could not be used for debugging at our end. However, we were able to identify a similar webpage with this issue, and will try to debug using the same.

If possible, please share the .zip format file at support@enpass.io so we may investigate with the Authelia webpage.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Thank you for working on the solution. It seems that the problem has already been reduced greatly. The fast dropdown is still not filling in automatically, but at least the old window can fill it in now.

For the next time, is there a bug tracker available where I can report bugs, track the progress and/or help with testing? It might give your team valuable feedback.

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