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Enpass Discussion Forum

Allow additional vaults on the same drive


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My use case is that I use Enpass to share passwords with my wife. I have created a secondary vault (on Dropbox) that I share with her because it is not possibly to share an additional vault on the same drive (iCloud, Dropbox or Onedrive actually, I tested them all). 
That’s a shame because I am paying for iCloud because I believe their security is better than Dropbox especially with their new end to end encryption. So I would like to share a secondary vault on iCloud but it is not possible. 
Could you please consider the creation of secondary vaults on the same drive service?

Thank you. 

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Hi @Laurent

When using multiple vaults in Enpass, each vault must be connected to a separate cloud account for syncing. It is not possible to connect more than one vault with the same cloud account. (You can still use the same cloud service by creating a different cloud account)

However, if you are using WebDAV/OwnCloud, sync with multiple vaults is possible by defining separate paths/folders for each vault.

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  • 4 months later...

Hi @Laurent

Enpass is always grateful for our active users and your efforts in notifying us of this feature. I forwarded this request to our developers and would like to inform you that they have investigated its feasibility & unfortunately, this request cannot be taken into consideration at the moment. Your support and effort are greatly appreciated.

However, if you are using WebDAV/OwnCloud, sync with multiple vaults is possible by defining separate paths/folders for each vault. Also, to share Items with your relatives, you can also refer to our handy guide.

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