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Enpass 6 Beta. No fingerprint on Samsung Galaxy S5


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Hi all,

I'm currently testing Enpass 6 Beta on a Galaxy S5. First thing I've noticed compared to previous Enpass version is that Fingerprint is not working anymore on my Samsung Galaxy S5.

More precisely, there's not even the fingerprint options in Enpass 6 parameter. I know that Galaxy S5 Fingerprint module rely on proprietary Samsung API, not default Android API (which is used starting to Galaxy S6, S7 and next).

Does that mean that Samsung fingerprint API support has been removed in Enpass 6 and that fingerprint won't be supported for pretty old devices like Galaxy S5? Or it is just a temporary bug or disabled feature (as explained in beta documentation)?

Thank you very much for your answer (and for this great software, better than any other on the market).

Kind regards


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Hi @Flagada,

Thanks for trying Enpass beta.

On 7/20/2018 at 3:17 PM, Flagada said:

Does that mean that Samsung fingerprint API support has been removed in Enpass 6 and that fingerprint won't be supported for pretty old devices like Galaxy S5? Or it is just a temporary bug or disabled feature (as explained in beta documentation)?

We'll definitely add Samsung fingerprint API support in the subsequent beta updates.


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Hi Anshu,

Thank you very much for your quick answer.

That's a great news, showing that Enpass keep respect for old devices. I really appreciate that.

I will update this post when fingerprint is added in beta  updates and working my device.

And I'll definitely buy Enpass 6 when final version will become available (I need multiple vaults support for personal and professional use).

Keep up your good work!


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