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Error with Android Sync in 6.X


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After doing all of the upgrades I just noticed today that my phone is not syncing with my dropbox vault... every time I try to connect I get a sync error. Conflict in syncing data with Dropbox.  I happened to notice this after I had to use my phone to pull up a password I know that I changed... is there a correct way of resolving this other then just deleting my settings on my phone and starting over?

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I don't want different passwords on different devices, this mess happened during the migration to the new version.  At the same time I lost a new password and have since had to contact the company have it changed once again because of the sync during migration screwed stuff up.  I just need to know how to get my phone to use the same information that my other systems that have this installed so there isn't a mismatch.

Edited by Ben7002
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Sadly, it appears that I am on my own on resolving this issue.  I get it, you guys are busy fighting fires from the last upgrade, but at least acknowledge the issues in the forums a little better... I still have another unanswered one from I believe December.



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Hi @Ben7002,

Sorry for the delay. 

'Conflict in syncing data with Dropbox' error occurs when Enpass detects that items on local vault are different than items found in the cloud database. If you are trying to sync two different databases/vaults then follow the steps:-

  • Tap on Sync Error, and you will get a screen where you can see the number of items of both vaults and there will be two options 'Merge' and 'Disconnect'.
  • Tap on 'Merge' and syncing will be continued.

You can continue with 'Merge' option even if Enpass is showing this error on same databases. 

Please let me know if you ever imported data from any other password manager or csv file. That may be the cause of issue.


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  • 2 weeks later...

The phone was in sync with dropbox and my desktop version until the upgrade.  Once I  upgraded on each platform is when it started failing.  I did a little digging and just deleted all the info on my phone and re-established my sync with dropbox and it appears to be fixed... more of a pain in the rear than anything else.



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