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Beta update v6.0.6 is rolled out!

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Guest Vikram Dabas

Hi Enpassians,

We have rolled out a beta update v6.0.6. The complete change-log is


  • Dock the Assistant: From now onwards, the Enpass Assistant will stay sticky on the screen. You can enable it from Enpass General settings under the Behavior section. Also, once the Enpass Assistant is opened, you can use the Keyboard shortcut Shift+Ctrl+ D or Shift+Cmd+ D to dock it.


  • Added an option to remove custom icons from the icon chooser.
  • The Enpass Assistant is now more Keyboard friendly. You can open the main app, browser settings, dock the Assistant or even quit the app from the Keyboard itself.
  • While searching for information, the app now selects the first item by default from the results.
  • Sometimes the main list was flicking after adding, editing, archiving or deleting an item. Now all these actions are flicker-free.
  • Introducing a right-click, contextual menu for Windows Touch devices. (Windows only)
  • The scrolling gets smoother for the Windows Touch Devices. (Windows only)
  • The sync messages are now localized.


  • An issue of connection error between Chrome extension and Enpass App was emerged as Google changed the signing certificate of Chrome browser due to which Enpass was not validating it as an authorized browser. It's been fixed now. (Windows only)
  • An issue where the app was crashing or showing a blank screen on the startup has been fixed. (Windows only)
  • A bug causing the app to slow down while searching for information has been fixed.
  • A bug that was causing the display problems in Chinese and Japanese languages when the system scaling set to 125,175 or 225% has been fixed. (Windows only)
  • After restarting the app, the application window will no longer reset itself.
  • Fixed an issue where some of our users reported that the icons of the app Toolbar and Categories weren't visible. (Windows only)
  • Fixed the synchronization for various WebDAV configurations.
  • Fixed an issue where the item could be saved with an empty title if the title was cleared while editing the information.
  • A bug causing the app to crash while importing data from Bitwarden has been squashed to ensure a smooth onboarding to Enpass.
  • For those using Multiple-vaults, the customs icons were not syncing across devices. It's now fixed.
  • For those using multiple monitors, the app doesn't resize itself while moving it to another monitor. It will also remember the monitor where the app was last opened.

Download link

Get your hands on the beta and share your valuable feedback.


Sorry, that might sound like a joke, but I mean it seriously: why are you still rolling out some beta stuff, if there are a lot of unresolved issues in the "stable" version and some of them are already fixed here? I mean, you cannot make the "stable" more unreliable as it is right now. If you already decided to publish beta versions as stable ones right from the beginning of the v6, then please update it on the same way, until it's more or less bug-free. A lot of users are waiting until you resolve all the critical bugs asap (some of which are already fixed here) and you are wasting our time by rolling out betas, which could be the same way "stable" releases in the nowadays reality.

To conclude what I'm trying to say: normally the betas are more buggy than stable versions, since Enpass v6 it seems to be the other way round. So, please roll out this / those versions in the appropriate app stores as quickly as possible, I don't want to switch on a beta path only to have a more reliable solution.

Posted (edited)
On 2/19/2019 at 2:55 PM, xarekate said:

Sorry, that might sound like a joke, but I mean it seriously: why are you still rolling out some beta stuff, if there are a lot of unresolved issues in the "stable" version and some of them are already fixed here? I mean, you cannot make the "stable" more unreliable as it is right now. If you already decided to publish beta versions as stable ones right from the beginning of the v6, then please update it on the same way, until it's more or less bug-free. A lot of users are waiting until you resolve all the critical bugs asap (some of which are already fixed here) and you are wasting our time by rolling out betas, which could be the same way "stable" releases in the nowadays reality.

To conclude what I'm trying to say: normally the betas are more buggy than stable versions, since Enpass v6 it seems to be the other way round. So, please roll out this / those versions in the appropriate app stores as quickly as possible, I don't want to switch on a beta path only to have a more reliable solution.

If what you're asking is "why aren't the bug fixes being rolled out to the production version?," the answer is very likely that the whole purpose of a beta is to test fixes and changes before they're released in production. Being part of the beta program means we see these changes before they're "released to the public." The Apple App Store, for example, is on v6.0.5. The newest beta release is 6.0.6. Once the Enpass team gets some feedback on 6.0.6 that doesn't show any new problems from the changes, 6.0.6 will be released wide.

If that's not what you're asking, please clarify. I'm sorry to say your post is a pretty confusing read.

Edited by 100 Watt Walrus
On 2/19/2019 at 2:57 AM, Vikram Dabas said:

Dock the Assistant: From now onwards, the Enpass Assistant will stay sticky on the screen. You can enable it from Enpass General settings under the Behavior section. Also, once the Enpass Assistant is opened, you can use the Keyboard shortcut Shift+Ctrl+ D or Shift+Cmd+ D to dock it.

I'm not clear on what this feature does — and the wording in Settings > General isn't clear either (what does "docked" mean?). Are you saying that once you click the Enpass button in a browser toolbar, the Enpass Assistant overlay will continue to show until the user deactivates it by clicking the [X]? That seems to be the case, and it's a great option to have. But...

  1. The wording isn't clear at all. I suggest wording like Show Enpass Assistant window until closed by the user — Enpass pop-up window in browsers won't disappear when you click on something else
  2. Shift+CMD+D has no effect on the Enpass Assistant overlay as far as I can tell. I have no idea what "dock it" means, but this key combo certainly doesn't make it go away. (The "dock" is something very specific on a Mac, so maybe choose clearer wording.)
  3. The only way to find out about Shift+CMD+D is from this release information. It should be included in the description in Settings > General, along with a clear description of what it does.
  4. The Enpass Assistant overlay mostly covers up the button that activates it. This is not normal behavior (see screenies below), and the button should be one of the methods by which the Assistant can be closed. (Also note that the Assistant "colors outside the lines" of the browser window, hanging over the edge of the window instead of staying within the browser.)




On 2/19/2019 at 2:57 AM, Vikram Dabas said:
  • Added an option to remove custom icons from the icon chooser.

Fantastic! But you didn't explain how it works. (I did figured out it's a right-click.)


On 2/19/2019 at 2:57 AM, Vikram Dabas said:
  •  The Enpass Assistant is now more Keyboard friendly. You can open the main app, browser settings, dock the Assistant or even quit the app from the Keyboard itself.
  • While searching for information, the app now selects the first item by default from the results.



On 2/19/2019 at 2:57 AM, Vikram Dabas said:
  • After restarting the app, the application window will no longer reset itself.


On 2/19/2019 at 2:57 AM, Vikram Dabas said:
  • For those using Multiple-vaults, the customs icons were not syncing across devices. It's now fixed.

Haven't tried this yet, but YAY!!! — When will this be released to production? The people with whom I'm sharing vaults are all on the Mac App Store version.


Very happy to see some of these little bugaboos getting addressed!

  • Thanks 1

Hi Anshu,

Thank you for forwarding my keyboard feature request. Works great in the latest update. And looking forward for tag ability for new item area.

I just notice a bug for docked mode. Always run docked mode doesn't works when launching enpass mini with shortcut and filling windows pin.

Have a great day all enpass family.

Guest Vikram Dabas

Hi @100 Watt Walrus

On 2/21/2019 at 6:51 AM, 100 Watt Walrus said:

I'm not clear on what this feature does — and the wording in Settings > General isn't clear either (what does "docked" mean?). Are you saying that once you click the Enpass button in a browser toolbar, the Enpass Assistant overlay will continue to show until the user deactivates it by clicking the [X]? That seems to be the case, and it's a great option to have. But...

Thanks for the feedback. It's been noted, and we are working on making things more clear and understandable.

Posted (edited)

@Vikram Dabas, what's happened to the ability to rearrange fields in EDIT mode. This is HUGELY important.

Example: I'm adding a Card Number, CVC and Expiry to a bank account item. I added the Card Number field, then added a CVC field, which now appears above the Card Number field and there's no way for me to move it below the Card Number field. This is a BIG BAD BUG.

Edited by 100 Watt Walrus
Guest Vikram Dabas

Hi @100 Watt Walrus

It seems you are using the app in light mode. The button (≡) to rearrange fields is available but isn't visible in the Light mode (Although, evident in the Dark mode). The issue has already been raised to the team. You can still reorder the fields as you were doing earlier, i.e., by dragging the fields.


2 hours ago, Vikram Dabas said:

Hi @100 Watt Walrus

It seems you are using the app in light mode. The button (≡) to rearrange fields is available but isn't visible in the Light mode (Although, evident in the Dark mode). The issue has already been raised to the team. You can still reorder the fields as you were doing earlier, i.e., by dragging the fields.

Thanks @Vikram Dabas. That's actually a pretty funny bug!


On 2/19/2019 at 11:57 AM, Vikram Dabas said:


  • Added an option to remove custom icons from the icon chooser.

I've tested this new feature and it works fine. However, I discovered that the size of the DB (vault.enpassdb) doesn't decrease also after deleting 15+ icons. I think you should implement a routine that calls the "VACUUM" command of SQLite: https://www.sqlite.org/lang_vacuum.html
Maybe you should add a "Shrink DB" button in the advanced options, if you consider too risky doing that after each icon deletion. Having a small DB or rather a DB that doesn't grow indefinitely, is important specially when syncing over slow mobile networks.
Thanks in advance

  • Like 1

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