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Posts posted by Dailen

  1. This is more of a "bug report". I had a rather exhaustive list of credentials that I exported then narrowed down and wanted to import into a clean DB using a generic CSV from Excel 2016. I could not for the life of me get it to import without blank lines inbetween every row. Finally used a utility to save it with Unix line feed and it FINALLY stopped thinking there were blank lines.

    Also, the import utility does not have an option for TOTP, even if I select an "Other Field" and name it TOTP I have to go change it for each one. Not a big deal since only a fraction of sites support it but just worth noting.


  2. Turns out there are some advanced functions of Sophos Home Edition designed to prevent applications from interfering with things they shouldn't be touching. I completely uninstalled it and Enpass started working. 

    For the record, anyone wondering, Enpass Home Edition hardcore. Home version of their enterprise product and quite a beast. Down side is that it's highly controlled and restricted, as an enterprise grade product should be, but the lack of alerts (like notifying me that it was blocking Enpass *rolls eyes*) and the lack of ability to temporarily suspend monitoring makes the product less than ideal for Power Users and IT Pros.

  3. Chrome extension not doing anything, when you click on the icon it opens a new tab

    - Browser Compatibility turned on in Windows app
    - Tried with and without verifying browser
    - Tried uninstalling/reinstalling plugin
    - Tried signing out and back into Enpass for Windows
    - Tried on Two different PCs (same troubleshooting done on both machines)
    - Developer Console doesn't show any errors
    - Enpass Helper is running on Windows on both machines (and listening)

    Things worth noting
    - I use Chrome with multiple profiles
    - In a domain environment (no GPO related to Chrome though)
    - Google Chrome Version 60.0.3112.90 (Official Build) (64-bit)

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