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  3. Today, after reconnecting again it worked. hmm never mind.
  4. @Amandeep Kumar Any Updates?
  5. Suggestion Idea: The inline autofill integration is amazing. The one way it will be more convenient is to have a setting which lets us keep the inline icon enabled, but the inline popup only starts when the icon is clicked within the field, instead of it showing up when the field is focused. This would allow the user to easily decide if they want to use the autofill menu or just type within the field manually.
  6. spike

    Clean Install

    One last question, when I choose 'this PC' I take it that it finds its way to the correct location without me navigating to it.
  7. No, it will not. You can feed/load the backup file from any location.
  8. spike

    Clean Install

    Thanks for that. Just to be clear, this procedure will not include the path from which it came?
  9. Assuming you have no online sync activated, you can easily backup and restore your vault(s). To achieve it, proceed as followed: 1. Open the "burger menu" 2. Click on "File" -> "Backup" 3. Check that your requiered vaults are listed 4. Click "Create Backup" and choose location to save. 5. Setup new Enpass. 6. Choose "This PC" when selecting vault location. 7. Select "Backup FIle" and insert the backup file.
  10. spike

    Clean Install

    Hi, I plan to perform a clean install on my PC due to errors in the Microsoft directory system, as fixing them seems more complicated than starting fresh. I don’t have any issues with my Enpass setup, but I want to ensure my passwords are preserved. I’ve located the Enpass vault where backups are stored and would like to make a copy of it. After reinstalling Enpass, I’d like to reinsert the vault into the new directory path. Could you please guide me through the steps to achieve this? Thanks
  11. Last week
  12. IOS data timestamp "Vault->Vault-Preferences->Vault-Info" is older than timestamp in nextcloud, but dosn't pull newer version to ios device. I have tried: - backup to iphone filesystem: did work - reconnect to nextcloud: did work, but still older version on iphone - tried to remove data from nextcloud: didn't work
  13. Hello, after a while, i tried again to solve this problem. I tried the suggestions above, with no effort ("Wrong password") First, i think its not a problem of Enpass, it's a problem of this single computer... I try to create a new vault, with a really simple master password, but it doesn't matter which storage place i use (Webdav, Home Directory, OneDrive), on every try, i receive the message "There seems to be problem on create the vault" (in original, the message is in german), with no further information. I have no idea what else i can do, so i give up. Is there a log where i can get more information? Thanks for your help. Best regards Frank
  14. Anyupdates on this...it's 2025 now and still no autofill...
  15. Following this because I too would like to use Passkeys from Enpass directly instead of Mac OS X's passkeys or iphone + scan.
  16. Dear enpass, I bought a pro version a long time ago and now I get nag screens to upgrade to Premium. As I bought a full version of the software I am even not sure you can bother your customers with advertisment to another software version in an already bought product. If, then I would rather switch to another more serious product. Thanks alot
  17. Open settings then select the Vaults tab. Select the Primary vault then select 'Disconnect'.
  18. If I delete Enpass from my iPad and reinstall it, it will sync over Wi-Fi for a day, but that's all. I want to switch from wi-fi sync to iCloud. I can do this quickly on my iPad but I cannot find the list of Sync locations on my Mac. Can somebody help me find that list, or must I delete Enpass from my Mac and reinstall? Thank you.
  19. I urge the Enpass team to update the portable version to 6.11. I rely on it heavily on my work computer and it has been several weeks that I am not able to sync with OneDrive. MacOS and iOS are syncing fine Thank you
  20. Earlier
  21. The technical team is investigating the issue and working on a solution. While we don't have an estimated timeline for its release, it will be made available as soon as it's ready. #SI-4210
  22. We would like to inform you that this feature is already in our development pipeline. While we do not currently have an estimated timeline for its release, it will be introduced as soon as it becomes available. #SI-1045
  23. We would like to inform you that PDF viewing is already in our development pipeline and will be made available as soon as it's ready. #SI-2554
  24. We would like to inform you that this feature is already in our development pipeline. While we do not currently have an estimated timeline for its release, it will be introduced as soon as it becomes available. #SI-3709
  25. I've reported this to the technical team and will keep you updated as soon as I receive any information #SI-4236
  26. Djfe

    Can't open vault

    I don't know whether this was caused by a bug/data corruption or an update. (I have Play Store Beta enabled and I'm currently running Enpass Since I'm on the beta channel I'll report the issue I just ran across (even if the current version might not be a beta): I started Enpass on my phone (Pixel 7 Pro, Android 15, Patch January) and it asked for my finger print but didn't want to unlock my vault. I entered the correct password (several attempts), it told me the password is wrong. I assume the vault got corrupt somehow. I wasn't able to trigger resyncing the vault before entering the "correct" password. I deleted the app's data and resynced from my vault and everything runs fine again now. This is just a report in-case this might be a widespread problem. If it isn't, then great. If it is: hopefully my report leads to the issue being fixed in beta phase before it affects most users. Regards Djfe
  27. I have saved an entry and password for my Apple ID in my vault, however, whenever I am asked to enter my Apple ID for security purposes or when editing settings I do not get the usual pop up Enpass autofill window. I am forced to open Enpass and select the Apple ID entry and copy the password to the clipboard and then manually input it in order to access my Apple ID. Is this my only alternative for accessing my Apple ID on my Mac?
  28. I just installed MalwareBytes Firewall Controller and am seeing an attempted outgoing connection to Akamai via a powershell script. Does Enpass use those two technologies?
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