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  2. I have notice that recently that autofill to chase bank has stopped working. Any idea what might be at fault and how to work around it? https://secure.chase.com/web/auth/dashboard#/dashboard/overviewAccounts/overview/index I am using firefox, but I don't think this is a browser issue but more of a site field issue.
  3. Hi I am following up again to see if there is any progress on the bug.
  4. Hi @Garima Singh, any update on this? It's long been a major feature missing from Enpass, stopping it from fully replacing 1Password on my phone, which has had it since 2019! Is there some compromising requirement Samsung is demanding to be on their whitelist?
  5. Hi @Abhishek Dewan, any update on this? It's long been a major feature missing from Enpass, stopping it from fully replacing 1Password on my phone, which has had it since 2019! Is there some compromising requirement Samsung is demanding to be on their whitelist?
  6. Last week
  7. Is there a way how to fill password into a browser extension like Alby? Webform doesn't seemed to be supported. Having an Enpass record with URL=chrome-extension://iokeahhehimjnekafflcihljlcjccdbe doesn't sememd to work.
  8. For me it is also a sign how important the support (of any company) is for the customers. Anyway it was a good choice for me to change.
  9. Nevertheless, the “highly” was wrong. And yes. It is a beta. But no matter how you look at it, since Apple has been releasing public betas, a large proportion of private customers have also been using these betas. It is therefore strongly recommended that software manufacturers pay attention to problems with existing features during the first two developer betas and fix them with beta 3 at the latest. As this beta will then become the public beta. And the subsequent betas are then there to evaluate new things. Of course, you can be so snooty that you think it's only necessary to have it fixed until the final version, or some manufacturers didn't even start until then. But many of those who thought so no longer exist. In the end, it's what the customers want and think that counts, not “that's how it should be”
  10. I'm on Mac as well. Any chance to get a fix for us as well?
  11. I tried replicating your bug, created a vault with 716 entries, including attachements. Synced it with OneDrive. Exported without issues. So my guess is, maybe your vault file is somehow corrupted? When you say, you can reproduce the bug on every device - have you tried setting up a new vault and copying all your entries into the new one, exporting it? I know this is not a good procedure, but it might help you in the long run?
  12. Yeah, that was the first thing I checked. But since I can reproduce this literally on every device and OS I know (including Android and iOS apps), I doubt that it's a permission issue.
  13. After backing up and uninstalling both the primary Enpass app and browser extension. Then reinstalling (direct download this time instead of Mac app store) both, the system is working as expected again. Thanks for your help.
  14. Website: https://fossbad.no/produkt/variant46-kommode-b81-d455-2/ When Enpass Safari Extension is enabled the photo is not showing. Clicking on the product links 'Velg farge' will navigate to a product photo instead of changing the product.
  15. To better assist you, could you please provide the following details: Did you shut down the device the previous day? Did you quit the Enpass app the previous day? Additionally, please perform the following steps: Disable the "Remember Keyfile" option. Re-enable the "Remember Keyfile" option. Lock Enpass. Please enter the master password and keyfile to unlock Enpass and check if it works. If it still doesn't work, kindly share the pathway of the keyfile you are using (to check if there are any special characters that might be causing the issue). Lastly, please share a screenshot of the locked screen once the issue occurs.
  16. Upon investigating, we found that there is no restriction from the Enpass extension side that prevents autofilling on non-SSL websites. However, if the item is saved with an HTTPS URL and you are trying to fill it on an HTTP URL, Enpass will prevent autofilling if the password field is visible.
  17. Hey @Numb3rsX, I believe your request is already with our support team, and they are actively investigating the issue. we will keep you posted with further updates and progress.
  18. Our development team has created a fix for the issue you were facing, which will be rolled out in future release. We appreciate your patience in the meantime.
  19. I have really strange issues with Enpass! In January I couldn’t get into Enpass. I was pretty sure that I entered the correct master password but it continues telling me that it is invalid. Now after some months I have admitted to myself that I lost the access to my passwords so I uninstalled the tool and set it up again. I deleted the Enpass files in the documents directory as well and only saved one backup file. After fresh install I just gave it a try to load the backup file and enter the password and couldn't believe my eyes because the password was accepted. So what is more realistic - that I know the correct password 6 months after the last usage or the password was already correct in January? The password I had in mind was correct all the time!! Some days later the tool tells me again that my password is incorrect :( I did the same thing.. deleted the files in the documents directory, restart the tool until it tells me to add my mail address and select a backup file, entering master password and again - access. What is wrong with the tool? I will stop using it when these are the steps I need to do every days. In January I might have updated the OS version shortly before the issues started. Now I have: macOS Ventura, version 13.6 Chip: Apple M1 Pro Enpass version: 6.11.0 (1677) I am only using Enpass on one device.
  20. Enpasse suddenly works again and synchronises with the folder, I didn't change anything. I am happy about that, but I will search for another solution in the long term.
  21. This seems to be a recurring "issue" with him haha. Besides this, have you checked, if Enpass has all the accessrights to the folders its exporting from and to? Someone else in a completly different post stated for a complete unrelated topic, the folder he had to use needed the name "Enpass". Have you tried this for exporting?
  22. The word "public beta" has even "beta" in it, so it is still a beta. I think in such security relevant features as a password manager, it could take longer to work efficiently .
  23. No offense but your post is useless.
  24. Is there any news? My password is long and very complex, if I have to enter the password every time the fingerprint doesn't work it becomes impossible. Therefore, if the use of the fingerprint and PIN together is not allowed, I will be forced to use a simpler password with weaker security.
  25. I switched now to Strongbox, goodbye Enpass.
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