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  1. Hello dear beta subscribers! Get ready to have something new and exciting to have your hands on before the official release. This beta is all about the support of Enpass WebExtension for Firefox. We all know that the add-on SDK will be a past soon. Moving on with the Firefox, we have come up with the WebExtension version of Enpass extension that will work with this beta update. Since ver 5.5.9 works with both add-on and WebExtensions, please don't forget to install and test the latest Enpass WebExtension. Also, the support for Enpass Add-ons will be discontinued soon. Instead of Firefox store, you would only be able to download the WebExtension and further updates from our website to avoid the usual delay caused by the usual long queue of QA. Download links for Enpass Beta v5.5.9 Windows (.exe) Mac (.dmg) Linux (Installer) Other changes in this update are as below This beta version of Enpass for Mac also supports the Beta, Developer and Nightly builds of Firefox. We loved your pokes for this on Twitter and our Forums. Brushes away a bug that was sticked to Enpass in any of last releases where the clipboard was getting cleared even if it is disabled from security settings. Other minor issues fixed. So go on and share those lousy bugs with us in the Forums posts, and remember that we all here at Enpass love you a lot♡!!
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