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Found 2 results

  1. Hi, I am using the tiling window manage i3. I have a few workspaces (1-9) between which I switch via hotkeys. Windows are handled a bit different and each window is assigned to a workspace. After updating to Enpass6, I opened it on workspace 9. I also see the tray icon now in my polybar (also some custom menu bar app). When I'm on a different workspace now (for example 2) in the browser and click on the enpass browser extension icon, nothing happens. This is because the context window of Enpass (which shows all matching logins) is now opened on workspace 9 where the original enpass app was opened. This was different on Enpass 5 where this window was shown on top of the browser. I just tried downgrading to Enpass 5 now, but the updated Chrome extension now is not able to work with Enpass 5 again... So is there any recommended fix for Enpass 6 and until this: Where do I find an old version of the chrome browser extension until Enpass 6 works as expected? Thanks, foob
  2. xakraz

    SystemTray issue

    Hi there, I use Enpass 5.5.6 on Arch linux with i3 (as the main window manager) and XFCE applets and I have the following issues: When I activate the system tray and autostart options, the next time I start the computer the system tray icon is not show (I have to manually uncheck and check it again). Environment: AntergOS (Arch) i3 version 4.13 Enpass 5.5.6 exec --no-startup-id exec /opt/Enpass/bin/runenpass.sh startWithTray Any idea why? Thanks in advance.
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