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Found 1 result

  1. stkjj

    iOS 17 Autofill/2FA

    Good morning, my setup: iOS 17.0.1 on iPhone XR Enpass 6.9.2 Vault sync via NextCloud Autofill is on, single source for it is Enpass (see attached screenshot) a) "Set up verification codes using:" does not include Enpass, despite being my first source for one-time passcodes. Yes - one could argue this if it's still 2FA if both password and token are supplied by the same source, but besides from this philosophical problem, I would just like to see Enpass listed there to set up 2FA with Enpass, rather than Keychain or Duo Mobile (which only makes real sense when their push notifications come into play - extra cool to confirm a login on the apple watch by just tapping "approve"). b) Autofill will just present entries from Keychain (which in my case are both outdated, no longer synced, but can't be removed - different story for the Apple support), but not my Enpass identities or credit cards. Besides this, Autofill of existing passwords works fine. Just the support for sign up processes are very limited (going back and forth and copy-paste various bits and pieces). Are these known limitations, bugs (I admit, I never used Enpass on an older iOS version) resulting from the iOS 17 update or should I have put it under feature request? best regards Stefan
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