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Found 2 results

  1. Hello, I tried to find this topic in the forum but no results ... Is the Lifetime Licence valid for ALL versions which will be release in the future? Also for v7, v8, ... v14, ...? Or is this kind of licence valid only for the actual v6. But I can use it use it as long as it is works with MacOS/iOS/... But only v6, and no v7. The alternative would be a subscription for v6. And v7, in case it will be released during the year of the subscription. For me these details are missing on the Pricing page. Maybe I could find these somewhere in e.g. the "Terms of Use" but I am too lazy to search there. I asked the two times support of Enpass but have not received any answer :-(. Thanks Claus
  2. In the latest beta we can see that a lot of features are bound to only be available with a premium subscription, at least on Windows (traditional and UWP installers)? What about people (like me) having a lifetime license for Enpass 5 (Android)? Will Enpass 6 (on Android) be covered by a lifetime license for Enpass 5 or what do we have to expect? Does lifetime mean lifetime of Enpass 5 (which is pretty much over now) or lifetime of Enpass as a whole (Including 6, 7 ...)?
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