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Found 3 results

  1. Hello, I have a three monitor setup (2 with HD and 1 with 4K - the 4K is the main screen). The browser window is on the HD monitor. When opening the Enpass app by pressing the button in the browser menu, the Enpass menu is poped up too big - see attached image. This behavior keeps all time it is used. One solution/workaround is to move the browser window to the main (4K) screen - now pop up works correctly. And then, moving it back to the HD screen - pop up keeps working correctly also here. It seems that the movement to different screens forces to pickup monitor resolution. It also seems that the resolution is not picked correctly from the active monitor when the application is opened from the first position/monitor. Enpass 6.7.4 (934) Firefox 98.0.1 Windows 10 21H2 19044
  2. Hi all, after upgrading to 6.5.1 (723) Enpass does not scale and it is shown with native 3840x2160 resolution instead of scaling to 150% as it did in all versions before. It is unusable. Can you fix it? Thanks M
  3. Hi, I just bought a UHD monitor 28" and Enpass Desktop seem have problem with this new resolution (3840x2160). The category/folders panel have very little font size and the menu bar is stacked. I have same problem with the Enpass extension browser. The windows is so little. Any solution? Thank you.
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