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  1. Hello Enpassians! The first Enpass 6 beta for iOS has finally arrived with Password Autofill, Siri Shortcuts, New UI, Multiple Vaults and many other enhancements. Get ready to explore the Enpass 6! Password Autofill in iOS 12: Supports the awesome Password Autofill by iOS. To enable, head straight to Settings> Passwords & Accounts > AutoFill Passwords and turn on the AutoFill Passwords. Also, make sure you select the Enpass from the provided options to allow autofilling in the third-party apps. Siri Shortcuts: Now you can create Siri Shortcuts to any Enpass item individually, and open that item directly with your voice request to Siri. To create the Siri Shortcuts, open an Enpass item > Click 'Add to Siri' > set command, and done. New UI: Enpass 6 comes with an all-new UI, making it even more user-friendly and intuitive. Multiple-Vaults: Now you can share data with your family, friends or team members by using multiple vaults. Each vault must be synced with a separate cloud account (could be of the same service provider) for syncing. Cloud Sync: An improved cloud synchronization mechanism with iCloud, Google Drive, OneDrive, Dropbox, WebDAV. Custom Icon: Add your own icons to the items. Apple Watch support. Trash: Added support to Trash the items. Archive: You can now archive the items which are no longer in use, but you don't want to delete them forever. Also, the archived items don't appear in search results. Keyfile support: You can now additionally use a Keyfile along with the master password to log into Enpass. Secure Sharing: Enpass now allows you to explicitly encrypt a shared item using your own Pre-Shared Key (PSK). You can define the PSKs in Enpass Advanced settings. The Enpass Beta versions for iOS will be distributed to our Beta Subscribers only through TestFlight.You can get your copy by subscribing to our beta program and it's mandatory that you provide your Apple ID (E-mail) while subscribing to Beta program below. Subscribe to Beta Program Important Notes Separate app: The Enpass 6 beta app will be downloaded as a separate app and will not replace the existing app on your phone. Restoring existing data: You can restore your existing data from previous versions into Enpass 6 from 'Welcome screen' over Wi-Fi or from 'Backup' file. In case if you are syncing your Enpass 5 with iCloud Drive, then you can easily restore your data via Welcome Screen > Restore Existing Data > Select 'Files' under 'Backup File' > iCloud Drive > Enpass folder > sync_default.walletx. Also, if you have already used Beta version of Enpass 6 on any other device and have synced it to the cloud before, you can restore data from there. Synchronization: Since Enpass 6 is based on a new architecture, so it will neither sync nor access the database of Enpass 5 or previous versions. All beta versions are precursors of final products. They are intended for testing purposes only and should not be used any place where your data is important. Please backup your database before testing a beta release. The beta app may contain some features that are still in development and not fully functional. Explore the excellent features and don't forget to share the feedback or report the bugs to betabugs@enpass.io to keeps our developers engaged for next beta release. Cheers!
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