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Found 5 results

  1. My primary system is still Windows 7. I will never upgrade it to Windows 11. For one, it doesn't qualify, and two, even if it did, I don't like Windows 11. Tonight, while running Enpass (installed version 6.7.2), I asked it to check for updates. It found 6.11.5, but when I instructed it to download now, it tried but then responded "file not found". I thought that was odd, so I downloaded the file myself from the website. Setup finished successfully, but when I tried to fun it, I got a popup error message: So, then I went on a hunt to find the installer for the version I had been using: 6.7.2. With the help of Google, I found it: Finally, my question: What is the final version of Enpass that is compatible with Windows 7? Thanks.
  2. Hey Gang -- here's a weird niche-case bug I've run into w/ v6.x (currently on 6.0.2 non-Store edition) and the browser extension. I'm on Windows 7 at work, using Vivaldi 2.2 which I usually operate in incognito mode. When I open a new incognito window and go directly to a login page, the Enpass extension will fill in my login information (using the shortcut key combo), but then the page will refresh with the login fields blank instead of logging in. This happens for any site I've tried it on (e.g. facebook, google, protonmail...). Repeated efforts to log in with the shortcut key produce the same results. Fun twist: If I go to another page (e.g. my home page) in the new window, then open a new tab and navigate to a login page, the autofill/login works as expected. If I do not go to another page in the new window (i.e. leave it on the Vivaldi startup page) the new tab just refreshes as described above. Also, I do not have this problem on my Windows 10 machine at home (all other details the same). Have fun figuring this one out!
  3. Some of the items (Bank) do not work after I migrated to v6. They were working in the previous version v5. The User name & Password field gets filled but the password field gets refreshed with spaces and login is not effected. I am not sure for how many more items this problem is inherent. I don't want to rollback to V5. So help me fast please.
  4. Running Enpass 5.6.5 on Windows 7 (firefox and Vivaldi Browser with enpass add on) I realized that my memory was eaten up by literally hundreds of Enpasshelper.exe processes. Each process consuming slightly more memory than the previous one ending wihth 100MB per process. The number of processes exceeded the number of browser tabs by far and the problem worsent over time. After a fresh boot everythings was normal , after half a day the number of processes built up and consumed the memory. I assume some relation to 5.6.5 as I could not see this behavior with the version before and/ or to the browser add on (vivaldi with enpass chrome extension, which I started using). I therefore removed the add ons in vivaldi and firefox to see if the behaviour changes. Killing the EnpassHelper.exe processes freed up the memory and did no further harm.
  5. Hey there! So I seem to be having an issue with Enpass on Windows 7 Professional, and so does my coworker (who I recently converted from the Church of Lastpass). Every now and then, after having used Enpass to log in to websites using the browser extension, it seems to hang. I only seem to notice because I will attempt to log in again using the browser extension, and the browser extension does not respond. Is there anything that can be done to troubleshoot this? If you need particular logs or clarification, feel free to let me know! Sincerely, Derik
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