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  • Birthday September 20

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  1. There are still two issues regarding "Expire Date" pull down in "Field Type" area. 1) It can not set "day" in smartphone edition. Though it can set "day" in "Date" pull down in "Field Type" area in smartphone edition, it can NOT select "day" in "Expire Date". 2) It reflects wrong result as the below examples using PC edition. Today is 2nd April 2021. The below are NOT expired in Enpass, even they are expired 15/Jan/21 15/01/21 30/Sep/20 30/09/20 4/Mar/21 4/03/21 The below are EXPIRED in Enpass, even they are not yet coming date. 3/Jul/21 3/Sep/21
  2. The below issue is not a bug but inconvenient matter. When select "Date" in "Field Type" area, it can select "date month year" style e.g., "19 Feb 2021" in either iPhone or android. But selecting "Expire Date" in "Field Type" area, it can NOT select "date". It appears only "month year" selection in neither iPhone nor android. But it can input any date style format in "Expire Date" in Windows edition. I usually use "2/Mar/2004" style format because anybody recognize what date is. If writing "2/3/04", it means... February 3rd 2004 in North America 2nd March 2004 in the most of Europe 2002 March 4th in Japan and some Asia. I can input data "2/Mar/2004" style format in Windows edition. But if once editing in smartphone, the result is "2/3/2004" or "3/2/2004" depending on system. It should be selectable word style month i.e., Mar, Apr, Jun in addition to just figure style 3,4,6 preventing from confusing and/or misreading. The date function is very important field on password management software. So, "Expire Date" in "Field Type" area should be able to select "date month year" style even in the smartphone application same as Windows edition.
  3. I am life time purchased "Pro" user. There shows "Offer for Pro users, 60% off for first year" in iPhone app. I would like to purchase life time upgrading premium edition same as pro instead of yearly subscription. How can I purchase like as 60% off for life time premium edition for pro user? Are there any offer for pro users discount life time premium edition purchase?
  4. Also, same/similar phenomenon as opposite. The below dates are not shown as expired even it is 15th February 2021, today. 30/Mar/20 30/May/20 30/Sep/20 Please fix it, too.
  5. There is a small bug in "Expire date" notice function. Today is 12th February 2021. When set in data as "Expire date" selection, it results "Expired" in "Audit" area. <= bug 1/May/2021 1/May/21 1/Sep/2021 1/Sep/21 If set the below in "Expire date" selection, it results not expired. <= work properly 10/May/2021 10/May/21 10/Sep/2021 10/Sep/21 Some of date format of first figure recognized as Month instead of Date.
  6. Can not work finding/searching "password" field items. For instance, data item as "aBc123" in "password" field item. Then try search "aBc123", the result was "0". If changing from "password" to "text", it hit the result "1". I can find the item. So, how can I find/search "password" field item?
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