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  1. I have the windows version installed...NOT the portable... I want to set up sync using (hopefully) Pcloud which I have a lifetime membership with...Assuming I can sync with Pcloud....(not tried yet)... Is it possible to set Enpass up on my Mac and Android and have all 3 platfroms sync using some sync provider...???
  2. I imported from Keepass successfully... But I have a LOT of catagories I would like to add... How can I do this...???
  3. Used Keepass for about 6 years....sync thru Dropbox...some issues....I'm on Windows but recently got a Mac... Looking for PM to use on both platforms... First question....is it possible to import from Keepass....??? AND...how do I do it...???...I see nothing in the program to import anything... Many thanks...
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