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  1. Hi Manish, I confirm that this new update fixed the issue, at least on my set up.
  2. Hi Manish, Im sorry to inform, that even though we've been patient, your new release fixed the former issue, but creates a new one, and the app gets frozen once you enter your password. In iOS 16.0.3 and 16.1 Do you test new versions before going production? This is becoming embarrassing already.
  3. More than 3 weeks for solving a bug that prevent pay users from using your software is pretty much time. This is making you look as a non reliable software company Support didnt have the time to answer my query.
  4. Is there an estimate date when the fix will be available?
  5. I actually found that it doesnt matter if you try to sync to Dropbox or any other service. If you just create an empty password container, it crashes also. I already wrote to support, but no news.
  6. Im sorry to insist but I need to use enPass on iOS. Do you think it is going to be a solution soon or should i be looking for alternatives?
  7. Are you able to recreate the problem? If you need more information from my side, i'm happy to help
  8. Hi, any news about this? I need to repair my main phone but enpass is mandatory for me.
  9. Not fixed for me
  10. Hi, impossible for me to sync my vault (created from android device) on Dropbox, also tried from Google Drive and syncing from local computer over wifi. It seems it imports the data, but when I enter my master password the app crashes Enpass version 6.8.3 Ios version: 16.0.2 phone : iphone x 599 items with 30 attachments
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