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  1. Good afternoon. The flight is excellent, everything seems to work. Thanks a lot to you @Manish Chokwal and support team.
  2. Same story. @Manish Chokwal we need create new topic or this fine? And how long we need wait?
  3. As an option, install on the android or desktop version client. After you can make file CSV and then make an import into another program or open with Excel. As I understand it, the error itself appears after synchronization with the database, when we create sync with gdrive or icloud.
  4. Thank you. I will be waiting very much.
  5. Thanks. I really hope that someone will help, because it's been a week without a program, and there are times when it is very necessary and i forced to use other software. I recorded the moment of the crash.
  6. Good afternoon. I wrote a letter in support via mail here is the number Your ticket ID is ECS-32152, on Sunday 09/10/22, unfortunately I did not receive an answer. That's why I'm writing here. The essence of the problem is that I got my old iPhone 11 updated it and updated Enpass. Then I entered the password and the program just crashes. After that, i uninstalled the program and repeated the following steps several times, but the program still crashes: 1. Uninstalled the program 2. Installed 3. Restored the database through google 4. I enter the password and the program closes again Please help or tell me what to do, I don’t want to switch to another software, but if it continues to work like this, I’ll have to.
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