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  1. Hello, the problem is with FireFox, Brave, Chrome Latest versions of them. a Enpass : 6.6.3 (835) Linux 5.15.0-52-generic x86_64
  2. Hello, I read in shape and watched videos, but I never managed to activate Browser Extension. I use Linux I saw the documentation and I allowed everything. I also made these steps you said: --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I Appreciate You for Reporting The Presence of This Issue. In Order to Resolve This Issue, Please Try the Following Steps: Make Sure You Are Using The Latest Enpass Version and Extension. Open Enpass Main App → Browser Setting → Enable the Extension. Open Enpass Main App → Browser Setting → Review Browser → Select Browser Extension → Remove/Delete → Open Browser → Pair Enpass Extension. You can also try to reinstall the enpass extension. [TIP: Before Using The Enpass Extension, Make Sure ITS Main App is Running in the Background.] --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I made you a video for you can see anything. What should I do to fix this problem? Can't activate Browser Extention - Autofilling and Desktop Browser Extensions - Enpass Discussion Forum https://storyxpress.co/video/la02br1rjngd8vyvj
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