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Erode99 last won the day on January 30 2023

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  1. Thank you for taking the time. It is working now. I follow your link and one place I had not check was in My Documents. I had clean up registry and all folders after removing Enpass, but not sure how and why, but there was a folder Enpass in My Documents. I deleted it, reinstall (again( and Voila, it worked. Thanks again, RD
  2. The problem is not solved. Any suggestions?
  3. Hi, Thank you very much for taking the time to respond. I am still having problems. Here is my environment: Win 11 on my desktop and my laptop. Enpass 6.8.4 (1166) 1 Vaults. I have been using Enpass for many years on multiple Win PCs. what is particular this time is that when i launch Enpass, it goes directly to request the password. I do not get the window "Welcome to Enpass" and then the steps I should have to do the restore. I just tried on another laptop and after the launch, I get the welcome window. The laptop that is failing was running Enpass successfully until I had to reinstall Windows 11. I selected Keep Nothing and it appears as it did just that. I had to reinstall all my aps. One more time I uninstalled Enpass, reboot, cleanup the registry as many Enpass entries were still in. I then ran CCleaner and reboot. Still same, jump directly to request the password. How do I get back to the Welcome window? Thanks for your help, RD
  4. I had Enpass Pro working on my laptop as well as the desktop and Android, Vault shared with Dropbox. I had to reinstall form scratch Win 11 on the laptop. I setup Dropbox and the Vault is sync on my laptop. I installed Enpass and Launch it. It is asking for Master password, but failed. ( I know I have the password right). It never asked me for the email address. How does it know I have an account since it is asking for a Master password without asking for the email first. Confused. Meanwhile, Enpass is working fine on the Desktop and the phone and they both sync. RD
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