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  1. What is the difference between pausing it and stopping? Will pausing it restart by itself? Also, will pausing or stopping have any effect on the already synced password items? (Meaning if I stop server, will I still continue to have access to my items on mobile device (as long as I don't delete the app on the mobile device..)?
  2. The setup process is a bit different from other password managers and I am new. When I first setup, I was offered 3 options: 1. on mobile and desktop ... Activate (which is same as login) 2a. on mobile ... Continue - select cloud / wifi where want to keep data 2b. on desktop ... Crate master password .. and then I got the option to register (Entitled for a free upgrade).. which gives me essentially the basic account I am a bit confused about this registration process. I creating account with Enpass (point 2b) required? If I only went to register cloud/wifi, will I still need to register for Enpass account? Or is this all same and I would have to complete all of the steps above .. 1,2a,2b in any case regardless. Thanks.
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