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Everything posted by Haifeif

  1. I'm sorry, that sounds to risky for me. Based on my latest experiences, this is quite a good chance to blow the setup complete. And I don't want to do that. Is there a chance to downgrade to earlier versions?
  2. Sorry for the confusion. The Enpass Version, I mentioned, is the main version on my windows PC. On my iPad I use 6.9.1 (751) The message is something like You can't connect two safes with the same account. As I said, it worked for years. Well, 1 more thing: During my attemp today I had problems to connect to the dropbox on my iPad. Maybe my try to fix that opened a second safe? Rgds, Uwe
  3. Dropbox Sync worked for years without any problem. Then, Enpass started to add features. I never aksed for, nor needed them. Since than, web handling is almost impossible, and IOS dropbox sync is no longer working. I use Enpass 6.7.4 (933) I recommended the software to a lot of people, please don't give me the impression, that this was a mistake! Rgds, Uwe
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