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  1. @Garima Singh@Pratyush Sharma Now enpass Works on Debian 9!! Thanks!!
  2. Hi Enpass Team, I have the same trouble descript here. My Debian 9 not work anymore with enpass. Some good News?
  3. Hi @Akash Vyas Thanks for reply! I tried from Google Chrome Version 65.0.3325.181 (Official version) 64 bit ( Original String from my bronwser Versão 65.0.3325.181 (Versão oficial) 64 bits ) - pt-BR Language ( I'm brazilian) - I used Chrome for root user in a test, and from Mozilla Firefox 59.0.1 64-bit from my user (non-root). Today, testing, I discovered the trouble, in my home folder, inside ~/.local/share/applications/mimeapps.list all association was to firefox (initially its not a trouble.. ), but i want to test Chrome. I changed in KDE 5, in K menu -> System Settings -> Applicatives -> Web Browser -> Google Chrome and Chome not was become my default browser (arghh!!), them I removed ~/.local/share/applications/mimeapps.list and tried again, and Chrome open correctly with autorization (Yes!!) I not tested back to Firefox being my default browser. But it solve my problem, now I will test Enpass to be my Vault.
  4. Hi Guys! I'm new here. I installed Enpass v.5.6.5 on my Debian 9 amd64 with KDE 5 but sync not working with my user. When i choose an cloud (anyone) the browser open without link for authorization. I tried with root (sudo in CLI) and in this way the link to authorization is on browser. I tried Enpass portable, from oficial Enpass Debian/Ubuntu packages and from default Linux (Other Linux). How I can use my user (not root) to do this? Thanks for any help!
  5. Hi Guys! I'm new here. I installed Enpass on my Debian 9 amd64 with KDE 5 but sync not working with my user. When i choose an cloud (anyone) the browser open without link for authorization. I tried with root (sudo in CLI) and in this way the link to authorization is on browser. I tried Enpass portable, from oficial Enpass Debian/Ubuntu packages and from default Linux (Other Linux). How I can use my user (not root) to do this? Thanks for any help!
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