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nixx last won the day on July 29 2016

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  1. Thanks a lot ! I got that yesterday, I just didn't notice. I 'm guessing a phone restart is necessary, right ?
  2. I sure will ! And in turn, I appreciate you not giving up on this issue, even if it only affects a smaller percentage of Windows phones. I hope you guys can get to the bottom of this soon !
  3. Hi Anshu, Thanks for getting back to me. Here's some answers, I hope they help : Have you notice any specific time interval after which the app starts crashing once you've rebooted your device? I haven't so far, but I will try and see if I can find a pattern. It's a little hard because I 'll have to keep checking, but I 'll try and will update you if I succeed. Which cloud sync are you using? OneDrive Have you upgraded your device from Windows 8 OS to 10? Yes, 8.0 > 8.1 > 10 How many total items are there in Enpass? Currently, 156. After using Enpass, do you quit it or it keeps running in Background? I always quit it. If I sometimes forget, I quit it the next time I see it open. At the time of crash, please observe if the internet is available in phone? (Asking to learn if it could be related to known issue in Microsoft Licensing API). Internet is almost always available at the time of the crash. There may have been a couple of times when it wasn't, but 9 times out of 10 it is. Did you purchase Enpass from same country/store where you're using it now or you've switched the country in store? Same country and store. In which language and region are you using your device? Language > English (United States), Region > Greece Thank you again for your time and effort in looking into this !
  4. Hi Anshu, thanks for your very fast reply ! I am using Enpass v5.1.6, on Windows 10 mobile build 10.0.10586.494. No insider previews or anything. I'm still using and loving Enpass by the way, I just hope this can be resolved - good to know that you guys are looking into it ! Let me know if you need anything else.
  5. hi, Same issue here on a Lumia 735. Hoping for a fix soon, having to wait for a phone reboot when I quickly need to look up a password is really annoying...
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