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  1. Hi @Vinod Kumar! Thank you for your prompt reply! I've installed through your package repository - but I might've messed up the capitalization of that folder myself. After updating to v6 today, I noticed a symlink from '/opt/enpass' to '/opt/Enpass', so I just removed the symlink and manually fixed my path-links. So, after reverting that change, xdg-open worked (even without editing my '~/.local/share/applications/mimeapps.list'). Thanks! =)
  2. Hi! I've got a similar issue on my machine (Linux Mint 19.1 - i3wm desktop interface) when it comes to syncing with Google drive (using Firefox v64.0). I authenticate successfully with Google, and approve 'enpass.io' to access, but when I expect to be redirected back to the Enpass (v6) window, I instead get the attached screenshot. (Given by this url: enpassauth://googledrive/?scope=https://www.googleapis.com/auth/drive.appfolder&state=security_token_sinew&code=<sanitized>). This is after executing the below: $ sudo update-desktop-database $ sudo update-mime-database /usr/share/mime $ sudo reboot $ # After reboot: $ sudo grep -iHRn 'enpass' /usr/share/mime/ [sudo] password for user: /usr/share/mime/types:6:application/enpasscard /usr/share/mime/globs:207:application/enpasscard:*.enpasscard /usr/share/mime/application/enpasscard.xml:2:<mime-type xmlns="http://www.freedesktop.org/standards/shared-mime-info" type="application/enpasscard"> /usr/share/mime/application/enpasscard.xml:4: <comment>Enpass Sharing File</comment> /usr/share/mime/application/enpasscard.xml:5: <glob pattern="*.enpasscard"/> /usr/share/mime/packages/application-enpass.xml:2: <mime-type type="application/enpasscard"> /usr/share/mime/packages/application-enpass.xml:3: <comment>Enpass Sharing File</comment> /usr/share/mime/packages/application-enpass.xml:4: <glob pattern="*.enpasscard"/> /usr/share/mime/globs2:207:50:application/enpasscard:*.enpasscard Binary file /usr/share/mime/mime.cache matches $ # And also self-edit inspired by: https://askubuntu.com/a/1039162/817936 $ cat ~/.local/share/applications/mimeapps.list [Default Applications] application/enpass=/opt/Enpass/Enpass application/enpassauth=/opt/Enpass/Enpass Any ideas/suggestions?
  3. Hi! I'm for some reason unable to right-click inside of Enpass (v5)! (This worked for me earlier this month, a week or two ago). This affects me in the following ways: No right-click menu appears when I right-click an item in the "middle column" (AKA the list). When I use the "pencil icon" to edit a selected item, I don't get the pop-up for the password generator. When I click the big '+' sign in the top-left corner, the drop-down list appears on the primary display, and not the display where Enpass is located. None of the drop-down/pop-out menus of "File, Edit, Item, View, etc." show at all when clicking them, or moving selection with arrowkeys. [2018-08-07 12:18:19] 0 **I'M STRONGLY DISLIKING THE "NO CONTACTS" REGEX/FILTER RULE OF THIS FORUM**:~ $ lsb_release -a No LSB modules are available. Distributor ID: LinuxMint Description: Linux Mint 19 Tara Release: 19 Codename: tara [2018-08-07 12:32:12] 0 **I'M STRONGLY DISLIKING THE "NO CONTACTS" REGEX/FILTER RULE OF THIS FORUM**:~ $ uname -a Linux jxq-Latitude-5590 4.15.0-30-generic #32-Ubuntu SMP Thu Jul 26 17:42:43 UTC 2018 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux [2018-08-07 12:32:17] 0 **I'M STRONGLY DISLIKING THE "NO CONTACTS" REGEX/FILTER RULE OF THIS FORUM**:~ $ i3 --version i3 version 4.14.1 (2017-09-24) © 2009 Michael Stapelberg and contributors [2018-08-07 12:33:04] 0 **I'M STRONGLY DISLIKING THE "NO CONTACTS" REGEX/FILTER RULE OF THIS FORUM**:~ $ apt show enpass Package: enpass Version: 5.6.9 Priority: optional Section: default Maintainer: Sinew Software Systems Pvt Ltd. <**I'M STRONGLY DISLIKING THE "NO CONTACTS" REGEX/FILTER RULE OF THIS FORUM**> Installed-Size: 87,2 MB Depends: libxss1, lsof Homepage: https://www.enpass.io/apps/linux/ License: SINEW END USER LICENSE AGREEMENT (EULA) Vendor: Sinew Software Systems Pvt Ltd. Download-Size: 36,1 MB APT-Manual-Installed: yes APT-Sources: http://repo.sinew.in stable/main amd64 Packages Description: A cross-platform, complete password management solution that securely manages passwords and all other life important credentials like bank accounts, Credit cards, IDs, passport, driving licenses etc. Everything is saved locally on user's device and optionally he can sync through other devices using his accounts of Dropbox, Box, Google Drive, OneDrive and ownCloud. N: There are 19 additional records. Please use the '-a' switch to see them. [2018-08-07 12:35:43] 0 **I'M STRONGLY DISLIKING THE "NO CONTACTS" REGEX/FILTER RULE OF THIS FORUM**:~ $ Anyone have any tips or ideas? Right-clicking works fine in Firefox, Sublime, gnome-terminal, and Spotify. I've got a suspicion this might be QT related? Since I read somewhere that Enpass uses QT? Anyone got any suggestions on how to confirm this? Thanks for your time and interest in helping!
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