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  1. I have the same issue, on Linux only. Windows, Mac, Android, & iOS still show tags. And tags are super-critical in my life. What is happening? Bug?
  2. @Pratyush I would suggest leaving the X for its intended purpose, since the beginning of UI design, to quit the program. Why not make a special request for the behavior you want, which is not what X was designed for? This way all the confusion created by people who support the wrong use of X will go away.
  3. @Kashish Having the X close the program is not the outdated way. It is the correct way to have a UI. A good UI has one button for one and only one thing. X exits the application as is has forever. That the X button's behavior has been coopted to the pleasure of people like you does not change that it is bad UI design. For those who want the improper behavior I suggested a "minimize to system tray" checkbox as most programs (like task manager) do whose authors feel there is such value. But make no mistake about it, you want the program to stay running when it goes out of sight, which is a special case of minimize. X is to quit, pure and simple.
  4. It is not the default behavior of the OS. Also, we are not discussing Mac OS, we are discussing Windows, so there is no cmd+Q. When dealing with a SDI (single document interface) app or a modal app, clicking the X in Windows closes the app, as does alt-F4. In a MDI (multi-document interface) app, like MS Word, the X closes the document but leaves the app open. This the equivalent of control-F4. It has been that way since the inception of Windows. Your app is a SDI, so it is wrong! It is a bug. Now that I know you added your own "control-Q", the situation is helped somewhat. However, to be clear, alt-F4 (and the X) in a SDI app terminates the app. It has always been that way in Windows.
  5. This is a violation of fundamental UX, as it has been since IBM published CUA (Common User Access) in 1987. The software does not behave the way nearly every other piece of software in existence does, and it does not behave the way the user expects. You might as well try to tell me that a red light does not mean "stop" at an intersection, then tell me the correction is a feature request. You consider the change a feature request because your original intended behavior was and is wrong. A red light means stop! The X means completely shut down the application! It is a bug!
  6. wow @Garima Singh! What a useless post. Did you even read the thread? The product has a UI design flaw that the team is taking forever to fix; kinda like they did to roll out favicon support, which took years. Your troubleshooting tips are absolutely useless. If you want to help get the developers to release the fix.
  7. When is this going to get fixed? Let's for a moment set aside the UX ignorance of @JohnDoe and everyone like him. This product is broken and it is quite annoying. I just installed Still no fix. It took you somewhere in the range of 3 years to release favicons despite everyone wanting it. There is absolutely no way I am waiting that long for you to fix something as fundamental as this. When?
  8. In a multi-window app – in the Microsoft world called a Multi-Document Interface (MDI) – the red dot on a Mac closes the window but not the app, as does the X on Windows. In single-window app (SDI), which Enpass is, X closes the program. It has been a cornerstone of Microsoft's expanded interpretation of CUA (by IBM) since Windows 95. So, in the Windows world it is extremely poor design given the minimize button nearby and that nearly every SDI program ever conforms to the behavior that X closes the program. For those who enjoy the violation, you are apparently one Mr Doe, any offending program – rare but always one that wants to run in the background – has an accompanying setting to toggle behavior. This is the first time I've seen a program without the setting. It's bad UX whether you like it or not.
  9. The close button is intended to close the app. I think you might have it confused with the minimize button, the underscore / hyphen / m-dash, two to the left. Ctrl-Q is required for good UX design but is unacceptable for my purposes because it requires touching the keyboard. I am looking for intuitive, which means your app should behave like every other app... ever. If you want to continue to employ poor UX please include an option in settings. When can I expect this will be fixed?
  10. I could swear it used to be that if I clicked the 'X' in the upper right, Enpass exited. Now it minimizes to the system tray and that drives me insane. Since the dawn of Windows there has been a minimize button. 'X' is not it! Most programs give you a setting: minimize to taskbar or minimize to system tray. If I hit 'X' I want the same behavior expected of every application that has following UX guidelines in Windows since day one. Quit the program completely! Did I miss something? How do I get Enpass to do what it is supposed to do and honor my desire to fully quit the app? I am running the fat app 6.3.1 on Windows 10. I cannot stand UWP.
  11. actually they don't work the same way and so you can't use them to replace folders. try to create these two tag structures: "parentA:sub1:tagMustBeUnique" "parentB:sub2:tagMustBeUnique" the system will not create the second "tagMustBeUnique". each tag has to be unique in the entire tag tree, or so it would seem. for tags this actually makes sense. not for folders. also, at present i can go into a folder, add an item, and it is assigned to that folder. not so with a tag. i have to create the item first, then tag it as an additional step. one-off, no problem i guess, though it is a step backwards. however, considering the volume of entries and churn i am dealing with, big problem. so tags are a fail as a replacement for folders, as they were when enacted by 1password. my largest repository is about 1,300 entries. i also have one that is another 650. so in total i am dealing with 2k entries that are constantly being added, deleted, moved here and there. this won't do.
  12. I am trying the beta 6 build 187 and there are no folders. where are they? i make extremely heavy use of them, easily over 1,000 entries. to be clear, i started using enpass specifically and only because 1password did away with folders and tried to pass off tags as a suitable replacement. they aren't! when can we expect folders to appear in the 6.0 beta?
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