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Enpass Discussion Forum


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Everything posted by Roger

  1. I see similar things on Windows when i am trying to save attached images. If the image is named Enpass.jpg it will be saved as Enpass without the .jpg extenstion. If i manually rename the file by just adding .jpg the file is usable. On the attached image below one can see that Save as type is blank and thus will save the file without the correct extension. This is not an issue in Enpass 5.6.9.
  2. I use as many keyboard shortcuts as possible and the first thing i noticed in Enpass 6.0.0 (149) was that there are no keyboard shortcuts in the menues such as Ctrl+N for New Item. (See the attached images.) Will those be added in Enpass 6? Though they are gone from the menues they still work, iow i can press Ctrl+N to create a new item. But in the long run it makes it hard to keep track of all the aviable keyboard shortcuts. Please bring them back to the menues in Enpass 6.
  3. I prefer to store all my personal data on a separate internal hard disk, iow i don´t want to save anything private on the C-drive. In Enpass 5.6.9 it is easy and convinient to change from the default Data Location to any other drive. However, in Enpass beta 6.0.0 (149) i do only see Data Location but i have no Change Location button as i have in Enpass 5.6.9. Will this feature be added in Enpass 6?
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