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  1. @Ankur Gupta - Thank you for all your help. I got it working.
  2. The version I'm using is on this screenshot. I do still have the V6 (220) in my app folder - do I need to uninstall it?
  3. Thank you - when I use that extension - I get this error message - which is the same message I was getting before installing the latest version of the app.
  4. I am having trouble with the new enpass browser extension on Chrome. I have installed it and enabled it but I still get this error. I am using it on a Macbook Pro using Mojava 10.14.1 on the Google Chrome browser. When I go to the 'review browser' options - it shows no browsers in the list of those trying to establish a connection - so its like it isn't recognizing it. Please advise!
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