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  1. If anyone wants to have a 2 vendor strategy for backup purposes, i would recommend bitwarden, which is open source (cloud or on premise) and does import enpass.json and enpass.csv. BUT: I did not manage to export bitwarden to keepass2 so far ...
  2. Hello, i just moved from Lastpass to Enpass 6 and i like the new version. I only have one issue: I prefer a 2 vendor strategy for archiving my passwords - in the past, i exported my lastpass vault to csv and imported the csv into keepass - as an archive. When i export an enpass 5.6.9 vault as a txt file, keepass is able to import this by choosing "Enpass TXT" in the import menue. When i export an enpass 6.0.X vault as a txt file, keepass shows the error message "Object reference not set to an instance of an object". So i seems, that you changed the txt-file format, did you? And i guess the only way to fix this is, that keepass will support the new layout in the future, right? I tried this while using Windows 10, Mac OSX High Sierra and Ubuntu 18.04 ... As a workaround: It would be great to convert the enpass6 vault to an enpass 5.6.9 vault - so that i can use a portable 5.6.9 to export the passwords in an keepass friendly way ... Best regards, A.
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