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  1. I am a true newbie (couple of days only), but am having similar problems. I set up Enpass on my Windows 7 desktop and exported my very few test access details via a json file to Dropbox. If I look in Dropbox, I can see the file sitting in Apps/Enpass. I signed up and paid for an Android version for my phone and the tried to restore the data from my Dropbox account but I am getting: 'Sorry, we could not find Enpass 6 data on this Dropbox account' If I go to Help-About on my desktop - the source of the data - it tells me that I am on Enpass 6.06 (323), so the data that has been exported is definitely from an Enpass v6 installation. Just in case it was a problem with the json file, I repeated the export with a .txt file. Identical response from the mobile app. with the text file as with the .json file. What am I doing wrong?
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