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  1. Ok. Looking forward to see this feature in a future version Great password manager w/ private cloud options by the way!!
  2. Thanks for the quick response. The logon is for a corporate VPN, so it will be hard to provide you the website. So, the 60 seconds refresh is the issue? Is it planned to incorporate othe rrefresh rates?
  3. I setup a TOTP by adding the secret key and in another example by scanning the QR-Code via iOS. In both cases, the generated password token is incorrect. I compare w/ another TOTP app and the generated codes are different. It looks like that it is linked to the refresh rate. In enpass it's 30 seconds and the other app uses 60 seconds. The website w/ the QR also refers to a timestep of 60 seconds. Could not find a way to manually set the refresh rate for this TOTP to 60 seconds. Might also a completly different reason. Time is synchned to a time server / internet time. Thanks for your support.
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