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  1. Unfortunately I encountered the same problem. Created an html file(based on the advises from a previous post) in roboform 7.9.3 and got "nothing to import" from Enpass. I am running the English US version of roboform with about 400 passwords. I upgraded to the nagging free version of roboform 8.6 as maybe roboform's export format has changed but got same "nothing to import" response from Enpass. The same problem. My reason to try out enpass is that I will not trust any "cloud" server with my passwords .... but with such an amount of passwords the import function is paramount for a switch .... Sure I'll switch to the paid version (for 4 PC's and one mobile) once I am sure it works, but I want to test it before I buy (seeing the remarks on this post it seems compulsory) ... So please advise for a workaround otherwise I'll have to look elsewhere ....
  2. Anshu, Thanks for your mail but .... I first downloaded a trial of the program from Windows store (version 5.2) that did not work then looking around on Enpass site I saw they had a 5.3 version so I tried it maybe the problem would have been fixed ..... seems it is not !!!!!
  3. Thanks Vinod but what do you mean with to turn security settings in Enpass on and off there is no setting on / off setting in my version
  4. Hi, I used RoboForm for may years. As I bought a surface book without a fingerprint reader but with face recognition I wanted to give Enpass a try. Tried to install the latest version of enpass version on a surface book i7. I also tried the one of MS store (version 5.2) Following the device manager the PC has TMP 2.0. Hello works fine for login and connecting to MS applications, however enpass ALWAYS asks me for the master password who I chose quite long for security. I gave enpass a try as it claims being compatible with Hello although not autofilling the web pages. However it does not fulfill any of both. Is there something wrong with my installation or is there a workaround I should know about ? Pls advise
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