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  1. Hi Manish, Thank you. Do you have any update for me regarding this issue? Dejan
  2. Hi there, As of this morning, I am getting an authentication error with OneDrive Sync. Logging in via Chrome results in the attached error. I was forced to switch to Google Drive temporarily. Can you please advise? Thank you!
  3. Hi there, I have recently updated all of my Enpass versions to 6.4. My Windows device and my two Android devices are working fine, syncing and reading data from the OneDrive Apps > Enpass folder. I actually started a completely fresh sync after the latest updates since I was having problems getting all devices to talk to the same backup. However, despite also installing version 6.4 on iOS (iPhone 11 Pro), I cannot get the sync to work. I keep on getting the message that there is no backup on OneDrive...except there is...and it’s working fine on all devices except my iPhone. Could you please assist? This is fairly urgent. Best regards, Dejan H.
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