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Found 2 results

  1. I was entering my password to unlock the vault, got distracted, and returned back to the PC. The password field was still populated. It might be useful to auto-clear the input after a certain amount of time (like auto-locking the vault). (yes, i know, i should've locked the PC in the first place)
  2. Hi there, i start using Enpass and its great, but found some shortcoming here and there, so willing to give feedback. 1. Copied data through browser extension ( chrome extension) does not auto clear as it works inside Enpass main desktop application. 2. While generating a new password, there is one option only i.e. "Fill and copy" and as is said in my first point, data don't get auto cleared, so its a problem, as you know clipboard is not a safe place for sensitive data. I don't prefer copy-paste data when we are dealing with sensitive data. Instead of this, there should be a "Fill only" option to inject password directly without using clipboard and this will be more secure as compare to current approach. Frankly speaking, I like Lastpass approach at this point. Data filled without copying to clipboard and Lastpass even eliminate the need of copying old password manually while changing password where u need to put your old password (Enpass do need copying old password manually while changing passwords like facebook which need old passwords for changing but that's acceptable to some degree, after all, its an old password). This don't mean that am here to promote Lastpass here, Lastpass is not most perfect itself. Even i use Enpass over Lastpass because i like Enpass more than that. But looking at goods of other is not a bad habit as it help us to improve. I really hoping that these points will be considerable in future update. Thanks, Have a nice day.
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