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Found 2 results

  1. I have been observing for a few days now that copying fields from Enpass does not really put it on macOS clipboard. When I try to paste what was copied in Enpass, nothing gets pated. I use an app called "Paste" on macOS to maintain clipboard history but that is not a problem. I have tried copy-pasting with my clipboard manager app not running. This has been happening from both browser extension as well as macOS desktop app. If I reboot my mac, everything works fine until it stops working again. Anybody seeing this or know a solution to this problem? This is such a deal breaker feature and is compelling me to evaluate other password managers.
  2. On Arch Linux, copying the password using the copy icon doesn't work. It only works when I Edit the item View the password Select the password Copy the password (right-click + copy, or Ctrl-C) This is both annoying, and insecure (I don't want to see the password) The browser autofill functionality works fine.
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