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Found 2 results

  1. I would like to submit a request for consideration under "Tools". It would be great if there was an option to search for duplicate entries: I do not mean just the username and password, but the actual URL. Not sure how I keep doing it, but I manage to create duplicate entries here and there and this would be a great DB cleanup option for users like me. Otherwise, I seriously love this app! I still use it concurrently with LastPass, but have been more rapidly switching to Enpass for daily use. Thanks for the hard work!
  2. Hi everyone, I've just run an import of all my Firefox passwords into enpass and now have 700+ items in my vault. This has made it rather hard to navigate and quite a bit slower. However a large number of the accounts are duplicates that could be combined or removed, for instance apparently I have 5 Reddit accounts (they don't firefox just makes new ones for different casings of the username). Is there a way to remove duplicates or at least highlight likely duplicates in the same way compromised passwords are? Thanks in advance
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