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Found 3 results

  1. Timeline and status in Box Folder sync_default.walletx - Last updated 12/27/2018 enpass upgraded to v6.x - 12/28/2018 vault.enpassdbsync - created 12/28/2018; last updated 01/18/2019 Fresh install of Windows 10 - 01/19/2019 Hi, I used to have windows 8 on my PC and using enpass 5.x with Box sync. Once the Enpass is upgraded to 6.x I couldn't use BOX sync anymore. So, I directed the folder sync towards the 'Box sync" folder as my vault sync_default.walletx was in that location. Import worked fine and Enpass continued to work seamlessly as I wasn't ready to change my cloud sync to other provider yet.Changing the sync method to 'folder sync' created another a file called 'vault.enpassdbsync' in my box folder which is fine. Later, on one fine day I decided to do a fresh install of windows 10 on my pc. As my folder sync backed up 'vault.enpassdbsync' to cloud, I didn't care to take a backup of my vault. I did a fresh install of enpass from windows 10 store and tried to restore from 'vault.enpassdbsync' in 'box sync' folder but couldn't. The older (last version) of sync_default.walletx is still available and I can still restore from it. Question - Is there any way to restore/use the latest 'vault.enpassdbsync' to get the data now? All the changes/additions made after upgrading to enpass 6.x are gone now. Please help. -Adhrust
  2. im really disappointed in Enpass. I did not know, that Enpass 6 is not compatible with Enpass 5 (and therefore portable version). In no press release was mentioned this problem. No i used the apps (installation + portable on a work laptop) parallel for the last 3 weeks and found out just now. now i have 2 databases syncing, and also different login details in different vaults, because sometimes i added a new login on the work computer which has not been synced to my private computer with the installed update and vice versa.... now i can manually sit down and sort which login detail from the portable app i need to migrate to enpass 6 vault on my private computer.. Way to much hazzle i stopped using Enpass and switched back to lastpass This was a very bad move from Enpass. Sad!
  3. In the latest beta we can see that a lot of features are bound to only be available with a premium subscription, at least on Windows (traditional and UWP installers)? What about people (like me) having a lifetime license for Enpass 5 (Android)? Will Enpass 6 (on Android) be covered by a lifetime license for Enpass 5 or what do we have to expect? Does lifetime mean lifetime of Enpass 5 (which is pretty much over now) or lifetime of Enpass as a whole (Including 6, 7 ...)?
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