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Found 1 result

  1. For several months now Ihave been experiencing a problem with the Enpass Browser going extremely slow when I type an email. I access Microsoft Outlook Webmail service. I achieve this by getting Enpass via its own browser to access the microsoft webpage (https:/mail.live.com) which it then autofills in the credentials and logs in successfully. The problem arises when I need to use the Enpass soft keypad. As I press the keys each character can take around 5 seconds or more to appear and eventually Andriod (I think) displays a message stating that "Enpass isn't responding. Do you want to close it? REPORT WAIT OK".This not only happens on my Samsung phone but also on the ASUS Tablet. When I use another Browser other than the Enpass one the problem does not occur. i.e typing is normal and with no hiccups. System info - Samsung Galaxy S4, Android 5.0.1, Android security patch level 2015-11-01
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