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Found 2 results

  1. Timeline and status in Box Folder sync_default.walletx - Last updated 12/27/2018 enpass upgraded to v6.x - 12/28/2018 vault.enpassdbsync - created 12/28/2018; last updated 01/18/2019 Fresh install of Windows 10 - 01/19/2019 Hi, I used to have windows 8 on my PC and using enpass 5.x with Box sync. Once the Enpass is upgraded to 6.x I couldn't use BOX sync anymore. So, I directed the folder sync towards the 'Box sync" folder as my vault sync_default.walletx was in that location. Import worked fine and Enpass continued to work seamlessly as I wasn't ready to change my cloud sync to other provider yet.Changing the sync method to 'folder sync' created another a file called 'vault.enpassdbsync' in my box folder which is fine. Later, on one fine day I decided to do a fresh install of windows 10 on my pc. As my folder sync backed up 'vault.enpassdbsync' to cloud, I didn't care to take a backup of my vault. I did a fresh install of enpass from windows 10 store and tried to restore from 'vault.enpassdbsync' in 'box sync' folder but couldn't. The older (last version) of sync_default.walletx is still available and I can still restore from it. Question - Is there any way to restore/use the latest 'vault.enpassdbsync' to get the data now? All the changes/additions made after upgrading to enpass 6.x are gone now. Please help. -Adhrust
  2. Previosly posted June 16 (edited and reposted because no support or answers have been given) I'm confused about sync in WHERE database overwriting takes place, and if I can choose the overwriting direction. What if I want to overwrite my local device with what is on the cloud? What if I want to keep what is on my device and overwrite the cloud with new or changed information? Example: I had a weak password on SOME*website*.com, so (on my Windows 10 PC) I logged into Enpass and generated a strong password for SOMEwebsite.com, then saved the new entry. I also logged onto SOME*website*.com and changed my password to the stronger one that Enpass generated. Then I synced to my cloud on Google Drive. Afterwards I logged onto my enpass account on an Android tablet. I synced to my Google Drive cloud, but the password entry of SOME*website*.com within Enpass on my Android tablet was unchanged from the previous weaker password. I tried this same kind of password modification on a different website, first using my Android tablet, then relogging onto Enpass on my Windows 10 PC, and syncing with similar results...the password did not change on the Windows PC. I've synced Enpass on Windows10, and on two Android devices. There were several missing log-in entries on each device, even after re-syncing a few more times. So,.... Enpass syncing is not working correctly on my devices. I had to manually delete and/or add Enpass changed log-ins (and a secure note) on all three of my devices, so that each has the same information as the other two devices. Why is there not some kind of switch within Enpass to either 1. Sync to the cloud (overwriting the cloud) from the respective device when changes are made on the device. OR 2. Sync to the device (overwriting the device) from the cloud which was changed from a different device. Installed Enpass versions: Win10-5.6.10, Android phone-, Android tablet- I don't see why different versions would make any difference since all of them sync to my Google Drive.
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