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Found 1 result

  1. I ran across an interesting article about some other well-known password managers out there, like 1Password, KeePass, DashLane & LastPass. https://www.securityevaluators.com/casestudies/password-manager-hacking/ If that's too technical, read ZDNet's summary on this article: https://www.zdnet.com/article/critical-vulnerabilities-uncovered-in-popular-password-managers/ While I was pleased Enpass wasn't on the list, I suspect it might be due to lack of significant market share like some of the other products. But I'm also very curious about the steps Enpass is taking to have independent third-parties pen-test the product. EDIT: I should have looked harder as Enpass has been audited in November of 2018! Audit results: https://dl.enpass.io/docs/EnpassSecurityAssessmentReport.pdf Security-related documents: https://www.enpass.io/?s=security&post_type=kbe_knowledgebase Please do not misconstrue what's being said here! I moved to Enpass several years ago, from KeePass which is mentioned in the article, and I am still very pleased with Enpass. So pleased that I have purchased it for family members and and strongly urged friends & coworkers who do not have a password manager to give Enpass a shot. The number one issue I hear about these other services is where that data is stored, and Enpass provides a great solution for data management since it builds on other well-known, and mostly trusted, storage products like Google Drive, OneDrive, DropBox etc. In any event, kudos to the Enpass team for the fantastic work they've been doing over the years, especially on v6.x. It's fantastic and I'm excited about what's next!
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