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Found 3 results

  1. I have installed Enpass locally and I've been using it for months now and I couldn't be happier. I have payed the one-time fee at $39.99. Now I want my family to use it but when I open the app on their phones it says I have to enter a subscription. What gives?
  2. MirkoMK

    family sharing

    I purchased a family plan. I need to keep a unique database to share with all family members on different devices, but I also need that some items were saved as private, so only the owner of the item will be able to see and modify it; how can I make it?
  3. HI, I bought this app for IOS as it is said that it is "partage failiale" family share... but when installed on the iphone of my wife it want her to buy it again ! What is wrong ? tks
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